A 13-year-old girl was raped, the culprit was jailed, he was released for a day, the mother took revenge for her daughter!

A 13-year-old girl was raped, the culprit was jailed, he was released for a day, the mother took revenge for her daughter!

There is a dialogue in South Superstar Yash’s movie ‘KGF’, “The biggest warrior in this world is a mother!” If seen, this is not just a dialogue, it is the truth of the world. A mother can go to any extent for her children, can do anything. She can give her life and can also take someone’s life if needed. A mother from Spain did the same. She took such revenge on the man who raped her daughter (Woman burn daughter’s rapist Spain) that after knowing it, you will praise that mother a lot. However, that mother was shocked when the court sentenced her for this act. This case may be old, but even today when people hear about it, they support the mother.

According to the Daily Star News website, when Spain’s Maria del Carmen Garcia’s daughter Veronica was 13 years old, a monster named Antonio Cosme raped her. This incident is from 1998. After this incident, Antonio was sentenced to 9 years by the court. But in June 2005, Antonio was released from jail for 1 day. That ruthless monster still had no sense of guilt. He reached near Maria’s house in the city of Alicante (Spain) and saw her at a bus stand.

Maria and her daughter Veronica. (Photo: Max)

Maria took revenge
He deliberately went to Maria to tease her and asked her how her daughter was. After that, the man went to a local bar, where Maria often used to go with her family. Maria got so angry that she immediately went to a nearby petrol pump and bought petrol from there. After that, she went straight to the same bar and immediately doused Antonio with petrol and without hesitation, set the man on fire. Antonio died in the hospital a few days later due to 90 percent of his body being burnt.

The court sentenced Maria
After that the police caught Maria from the port, where she was sitting unconscious. Maria confessed her crime. She told that she only wanted to hurt him and scare him, she did not want to kill him. Maria was sentenced to 9 and a half years by the court. But then under an appeal, her sentence was reduced to 5 and a half years. Despite the lesser sentence, the people of the country were angry against the law and order, they started raising their voice against the mother’s imprisonment. After that thousands of people signed a petition for the woman’s release. They cited the woman’s mental health.

Released in 2018
In 2011, after the woman had spent 1 year and 10 days in jail, her sentence was dismissed. The court accepted that she had never committed any crime before and considered the case as special. Despite this, Maria was again put in jail in 2013 as her mercy petition was rejected. In 2017, she started getting daytime leave from jail and by 2018, she was completely released from jail.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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